help h4h make a difference!
We are always grateful for volunteers to assist with case management, events and more.
Please complete this form and a team member with contact you.
We appreciate and are always accepting new and gently used items. These items go directly to the needs of our clients. Any additional are sold to raise money at various rummage sales and markets, proceeds going to the hotel costs and necessities of us of those we serve. Please fill this form out if you have anything to donate to help us coordinate drop off or pick up.
We also have an Amazon Wish List where the purchase some needed items today include:

Ideas and Commonly Requested Items for Care Packages
Hello! Thanks for putting together care packages for people experiencing homelessness in our community! We appreciate you and your hard work, time and effort!
Food Items:
(Prepackaged, individually wrapped food is great!)
Protein/granola Bars, Protein shakes
Trail mix, mixed nuts, snack mixes, chips, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, cookies, candy, snack cakes, pop tarts Cup noodles, easy open microwaveable soups, other shelf stable meals and snack packs
Fruit cups, cereal, oatmeal, jello and pudding cups, bread
Fresh fruit and veggies
Bottled water, sodas, juice, tea, hot cocoa, instant coffee, shelf stable or dry milks
Clothing and accessories:
Hand and foot warmers, warm socks, gloves/mittens, thermals/long underwear, warm hats
Hygiene/First Aid Supplies:
Soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, Razors and shaving cream, Hair brushes, combs, hair ties Toothbrushes, toothpaste, Toothbrush covers/cases, Deodorant, Chapstick, Sunscreen, Moisturizer Pads, tampons, feminine wipes, Wash cloths, Disposable face and body wipes, Toilet paper, Tissues Hand sanitizer and masks, No water/wash cleansing products
Thermometer, Antibiotic ointment, bandaids, gauze, tape, moleskin, Nitrile gloves, Surface wipes
Books, games, puzzles, playing cards
Gift cards, Phone minute cards, Bus passes
Mylar blankets, Warm blankets/bedding, Subzero sleeping bags, All weather tents, Waterproof tarps Gallon ziplocks, Disposable or camping utensils and dishes, Can opener, Rope, Flashlight, Trash bags Reflective tape or vest
Dog food, treats, toys and warm clothing
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We’ll be sharing periodic program updates, fundraising and volunteer opportunities, participant stories and more!